2025 Anzac Museum in a Box: Donnell Terms 1 & 2

- Durata: 21 Giorni (circa)
- Luogo: Wanneroo, Western Australia
- Codice prodotto: AMIBD
The Anzac Museum in a Box Education Resource: Anne Donnell
Borrowing time: 3 weeks (term times)
Cost: Free
Booking dates term 1 & 2
Thursday 13 February - Friday 7 March 2025
Thursday 20 March - Wednesday 9 April 2025
Thursday 8 May - Friday 30 May 2025
Thursday 12 June - Wednesday 2 July 2025
Anne Donnell worked for the Australian Army Nursing Service and was posted overseas during World War I. This museum in a box provides objects and information about aspects of her wartime experience.
The objects and activities in the box have been designed for learning through discovery and observation and form a very unique education program closely linked to the Australian Curriculum. They have been designed for schools to borrow, and contain a Teacher’s Guide, ‘hands-on’ objects such as uniforms, medical items, music and object cards and various interpretation activities. The boxes are ideal not only for ANZAC related topics, but also in investigating ‘then and now’, in exploring the authentic use of text types such as letters and diaries as primary sources, and in photographic interpretation.
The value of museums in a box
Historical objects have tremendous value as a starting point for historical investigation. The opportunity to handle and use physical objects stimulates curiosity and can add to first-hand knowledge about technology and tools and their contexts. They can tell us a great deal about how people lived in the past and provide insights into how the design and use of past tools and technology connect to how we live today. When guided effectively, this type of investigation can lead to critical thinking, hypothesizing and the development of key historical skills. An object investigation can be a rich source of wonder and provide new perspectives on the world around us.
These boxes were previously available in pairs, but due to high demand, we are now making each box available for loaning separately. As these resources are popular, we do ask that you only book one museum in a box in the same time period.