COCKMAN HOUSE/WANNEROO REGIONAL MUSEUM - Heritage Education Programs (full day)

AUD AU$240.00
  • 기간: 4 시 (대략)
  • 상품 코드: CHWRMFS

Are you making a booking for more than one class? Watch this short video first to find how to do this (it will save you lots of time).

Double programs are available on FRIDAYS.

Visit Cockman House - Wanneroo's oldest home - and explore stories of its significance and the people who lived in it for over a century.  Examine how family life, technology, chores and games have changed over time, in these highly interactive, inquiry-based programs.

Combine your Cockman House visit with one of our programs at the Wanneroo Regional Museum, just a short ten minute drive away. Two classes (20-35 per class) can attend this double program on the same day. The classes are split between the two venues and will swap over after lunch.

Enrich your visit by making use of our engaging curriculum-linked teacher resources for programs at the Museum and Cockman House. Both venues also have sensory accommodations available on-site.

Program options

Year 1

  • Cockman House: Work and Play
  • Wanneroo Regional Museum: Toys and Tech Through Time OR Noongar Boodja Wanneroo

Year 2 and 3

  • Cockman House: History Hunters
  • Wanneroo Regional Museum: Wanneroo Past Investigators OR Noongar Boodja Wanneroo OR Commemorative Program (seasonal)
Year 5
  • Cockman House: Children and the Swan River Colony
  • Wanneroo Regional Museum: Perspectives of Early Colonial Life in Wanneroo


Morning: 9.30am - 11.30am (morning session includes a morning tea break)
Lunchtime: 11.30am - 12.30pm 
Afternoon: 12.30pm - 2.00pm

We will confirm availability and the final cost within 2 business days on receipt of your booking request form.